When signing a purchase and sale agreement for your Jacksonville home, it’s important to be aware of certain key points to ensure that you’re protected and that the process goes smoothly. Here are the top 5 things to look out for:
- Review the contingencies: Make sure to carefully review all contingencies in the agreement, such as the financing contingency or the home inspection contingency. These contingencies protect you in the event that the sale doesn’t go through due to unforeseen circumstances.
- Review the closing date and possession date: Be sure to review the proposed closing and possession dates, and make sure that they work for you. If necessary, you can negotiate for a different date.
- Review the closing costs: Make sure to review the closing costs and understand who is responsible for paying what. This includes things like the title search, appraisal, and survey fees.
- Review the contingencies: Make sure to read and understand the contingencies in the agreement, such as the financing contingency or the home inspection contingency.
- Have a real estate attorney review the agreement: It’s always a good idea to have a real estate attorney review the purchase and sale agreement before you sign. They will be able to ensure that the terms are fair and reasonable, and that your rights and interests are protected.
By paying close attention to these details, you’ll be able to protect yourself and ensure that the purchase and sale agreement is fair and reasonable. Remember, it’s always a good idea to have a real estate attorney review the agreement before you sign.